Corrosive gases СО2 and H2S in the stream of produced oil and gas condensate

Particular properties of corrosion control in Persian Gulf countries

Corrosive gases СО2 and H2S in the stream of produced oil and gas condensate
Persian Gulf countries control more than 40% of the world's oil reserves. Huge investments in the oil and gas industry in these countries also include the cost of product loss, repair and replacement of expensive equipment and pipelines. A significant part of these costs is spending on solving the problems caused by strong corrosion of metal equipment and pipelines in the oil and gas production and transportation processes. For example, these costs to Saudi Arabia in 2011 amounted to 24.84 billion USD, and for the UAE - 14.26 billion USD. It should be noted also that the cost of repairs for the offshore production will be calculated by  millions USD. For replacement the key long pipelines of the large diameter we are talking about tens of millions USD. For older oil fields with hundreds of pipelines 4-5 leaks per year, caused by the corrosion of pipes, is quite normal.
Oil and gas industry, as a rule, works in very hard conditions, such as deserts and deep sea. In such conditions, corrosion is very serious and difficult for solving problem. In desert conditions the following factors can contribute to corrosion: variation of wet and dry weather, high temperatures (about 50°C) and high humidity for the most part of the year, the salinity of the groundwater. Also, typical for this region existence of the large number of corrosive gases СО2 and H2S in the stream of produced oil, gas condensate and gas stimulate the destructive corrosion processes. Losses from corrosion can be significantly reduced by using a number of known and effective methods. One of them, and the most simple, cheap and efficient is using corrosion inhibitors
and CO2.

Corrosion inhibitors DEFENDER

Multifunctional Corrosion Inhibitors for oil and gas industry

Corrosive gases СО2 and H2S in the stream of produced oil and gas condensate
Himipex Oil Company has been successfully applied multifunctional reagent of «DEFENDER» series on an offshore oil production platform of one of the oil companies in Latin America. The main part of the problematics of the facility was as follows: high corrosion rates of the well and flowline equipment in oilfields that are stimulated by high content of corrosive gases, in particular carbon dioxide (CO2) in stratal water, high content of corrosive mineral salts, mercaptans, and naphthenic acids dissolved in this water, the temperature in the system was 80 С.

Corrosion inhibitor «DEFENDER» feeding in production well was in the amount of 10 ppm of the inhibitor for the amount of extracted fluid. Under these conditions, the rate of equipment corrosion decreased by 90.1% comparing with baseline corrosion level, according to the method defined by NACE TM-0374. While feeding the corrosion inhibitor «DEFENDER» in production well in the amount of 25 ppm of the inhibitor for the amount of extracted fluid, the rate of equipment corrosion decreased by 90.1% comparing with baseline corrosion level. According to received results, the specialists of the oil production company made a decision that in order to achieve effective protection against corrosion of producing wells equipment located offshore, the dosage of inhibitor «DEFENDER» in the amount of 10-20 ppm inhibitor on the amount of extracted fluid could be considered as optimal.

Washing and anticorrosive fluids WINCOR

Washing and anticorrosive fluids WINCOR

removal of asphalt-resin-paraffin,  mineral, mechanical depositions, corrosion products, protection of metal equipment from carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide corrosion at enterprises of the oil-and-gas production and processing branches of industry.

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